Tips to improve recovery after Liposuction

No Strenuous Activity!
Don’t try to do too much aftersurgery. Make sure you don’t do any strenuous activity or heavylifting in the first two weeks after your procedure allowing yourbody to heal.
Walking is very important. It aids inyour recovery and helps decrease the risk for blood clots. For thefirst two weeks, you must walk at least 10 minutes every hour.
No Smoking! No Drinking!
It’s not worth it! Smokingcomplicates recovery by putting extra strain on your heart,disrupting your blood pressure, lowering oxygen levels in your bloodand tissues, and harming your lungs. It can lead to open wounds,increased fat loss, or skin necrosis (skin death.) Drinking is justas bad, steer clear of alcohol for 2 weeks after surgery. Alcohol caninterfere with your body's healing process. Additionally, it cancause increased swelling, which may hinder your recovery and affectthe final outcome.
Keep the Area Clean
Changing bandages as needed is the mosteffective way to maintain cleanliness in the liposuction area. Showerwith anti-bacterial soap starting the day after surgery. Keeping thearea clean is crucial to preventing any potential infections. Also,make sure to take all your oral antibiotics.
Stay Hydrated!
To avoid dehydration after liposuction,your body requires plenty of fluids. While the general guideline isto drink eight glasses of water a day, it's advisable to increaseyour intake to 1 gallon daily post-surgery to keep your bodywell-hydrated. You can infuse your water with fresh fruit to help!
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