Lipo 360 or BBL! Which one do I choose?

When deciding between a Brazilian buttlift (BBL) and Lipo 360, it's essential to consider your body goals,budget, and the specific techniques used by your board-certifiedplastic surgeon.
Lipo 360,removes fat and sculpts the body through a small tube called acannula, typically focusing on the areas of the abdomen, waist,flanks, and back.
The BBLprocedure at Pure Plastic Surgery involves Lipo 360 with the additionof transferring fat into the buttocks and hips to increase size andshape.
If your primaryaim is to enhance your buttocks and hips, a BBL might be the idealchoice, as it gives your lower half a more shapely and curvaceousappearance. On the other hand, if you're looking to only reshape yourmidsection and contour your trunk, Lipo 360 may be more suitable.Lipo 360 can help refine your overall body shape without adding extravolume to the buttock and hip area.
The decisionbetween Lipo 360 or a Brazilian Butt Lift, largely depends on youraesthetic goals. If enhancing your buttocks is your main priority, aBBL at Pure is all you need.
If you seek body contouring withoutneeding to enhance your buttocks, the Lipo 360 could be right foryou. Liposculpture 360 offers a more comprehensive transformation ofthe midsection compared to traditional liposuction, delivering deeperand more significant aesthetic results. The effects are noticeableright after surgery and can be long-lasting if you carefully followDr. Earle’s post-operative instructions.
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