Morpheus8 for Hyperhidrosis

The saying, “don’t sweat the small stuff” never knew hyperhidrosis, a health condition that causes a person to sweat excessively throughout the body. While sweating itself is a normal function of the body, those with hyperhidrosis can find sweating in areas such as, the armpits, soles of feet, palms, groin, face and chest to be agonizing and embarrassing. It can affect quality of life leading to social anxiety and depression. At PURE, we’ve found the use of Morpheus8, a combination of radiofrequency energy and micro-needling, can significantly reduce sweat production caused by hyperhidrosis.
What is Morpheus8?
Morpheus8 is an advanced micro needling treatment – the first and only full-body subdermal fractional technology.
How do you know if you have hyperhidrosis?
It is difficult for many to discern if they experience normal or excessive sweating. There is no medical test to measure sweating, but if it is interfering with daily activities and life experiences, such as shaking hands, driving or typing on a keyboard, getting close to others, wearing clothing that may show sweat stains, having to shower frequently and withdrawing from social events you may have hyperhidrosis.
What causes hyperhidrosis?
There are two types of hyperhidrosis, primary and secondary.
Primary hyperhidrosis has no known cause, but most physicians believe it is caused by genetics and a problem with the sympathetic nervous system, which controls the majority of the body’s functions that are not part of conscious thought. For some reason the brain sends a signal to the eccrine glands that the body is hot, even though it isn’t. The result is the body excessively breaking into a sweat to cool down.
Secondary hyperhidrosis can be triggered by certain medications, low blood sugar, pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, obesity, anxiety and menopause.
How does Morpheus8 treat hyperhidrosis?
Morpheus8 combats hyperhidrosis by combining microneedling with radio frequency to create columns in the skin, that disable the sweat glands. After each session, the body’s immune system quickly kicks in to heal the areas affected by Morpheus8.
What areas of the body can be treated with Morpheus8 for hyperhidrosis?
- Underarms
- Hands
- Soles of feet
- Groin
- Face
- Thighs
The treatment can often be permanent, and the benefits will be seen a few weeks after the session, with full results after a few months.
How many sessions of Morpheus8 are needed to combat hyperhidrosis?
Patients with very sever hyperhidrosis may require two (2) to three (3) sessions that are spread out six (6) to eight (8) weeks and have to wear protective clothing to shield the area from the sun. A certified aesthetic practitioner will be able to create a customized plan based on the severity of hyperhidrosis.
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