How Long is Recovery from Breast Augmentation?

February 23, 2021
How Long is Recovery from Breast Augmentation?

The aesthetics of a woman’s breasts play a large role in how feminine, confident, and attractive she feels. This is why breast augmentation is one of the most popular procedures in the cosmetic enhancement industry. As with any invasive procedure, questions about the recovery from breast augmentation are common. At Pure Plastic Surgery, we want you to feel comfortable throughout the entire journey.


There is a multitude of options to make your breast augmentation completely unique to you. Whether you’re interested in achieving a certain cup size, correcting breast asymmetry, restoring youthful roundness after pregnancy and breastfeeding, or reconstruction after breast cancer, there are many options available to help you achieve your desired results. While every breast implant is made with a silicone shell, there are choices about the texture of the shell (smooth, textured), the contents of the implant (saline, silicone), the shape (round, teardrop), and the placement of the implant (sub glandular, submuscular). There are also surgical techniques that impact where incisions are made and how the implants are inserted. Each of these choices will impact your final results, and Dr. Earle will discuss each choice and what they mean for your specific body and proportions in detail.

Breast Augmentation Miami


Risks and discomfort during recovery can be significantly minimized by closely following all pre- and post-operative care instructions. Your procedure will be performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia at an accredited surgery center, and you’ll awaken with a surgical support bra. You’ll need a loved one to drive you home and assist you for the first 24-48 hours.

Days 1-5 are typically where patients are their most uncomfortable. Pain medication will help with this, but your chest will feel heavy due to additional weight you’re not yet accustomed to. Sleeping with your head and shoulders elevated keeps blood circulating properly. Listen to your body. As you feel up to getting up and moving around, you should do so, but don’t overdo it. Your body needs all its energy to heal, so exerting yourself too much will slow that process.

Day 7 is generally when patients notice a marked improvement. Range of motion is improved and your energy levels are increased. At this point, many women can manage the pain with over-the-counter medication. If your job is more sedentary, it’s possible you’ll be able to return to work.

Weeks 2-3 are when a slow progression of resuming activities begins. Light exercise is possible, but more vigorous activities, such as lifting weight over 20 pounds, jogging, or other jarring movements should still be avoided. Patients with more strenuous jobs may return to work in this time frame.

Your breasts will take a few more weeks for the implants to fully integrate and settle into their ideal position. Be sure to wear the surgical support garments as long as recommended for implant stability. Before you know it, your new figure emerges and you can begin enjoying the results of increased confidence, pleasing proportions, and satisfaction in your appearance. At Pure Plastic Surgery, nothing short of your complete happiness will do.


Good candidates are unhappy with their breast size or projection, have asymmetry, wish to restore breast shape and position due to pregnancy and breastfeeding, or need reconstruction after mastectomy. Breasts continue to change into a woman’s 20s, so candidates must be 18 for saline implants and 22 for silicone implants. In some cases, having a breast lift augmentation will more thoroughly address your unique concerns.


The best way to learn more about breast augmentation is by meeting with Dr. EarleWe invite you to schedule a consultation with our team in Miami by calling us at (786) 567-9218 or filling out our online form.


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